Developing a Champion Mindset with BJJ: Mental Strength and Focus Training

jiu jitsu athletes

Mastery in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) involves more than physical training, technique acquisition, and countless hours on the mats. To truly excel in this complex and challenging martial art, one must also develop strong mental fitness and focus – attributes that make up the cornerstone of a champion mindset. At Marcus Soares Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, we recognise […]

The Benefits of Marcus Soares BJJ for Law Enforcement Officers


Law enforcement officers face unique challenges and risks when it comes to ensuring public safety, making it essential for them to develop a versatile skill set and training that proves effective in a wide range of situations. Marcus Soares Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu recognizes these unique requirements and offers specialized training tailored to help officers reach their […]

Empower Your Child with BJJ: Building Confidence, Discipline, and Life Skills

children learning BJJ

As parents, we strive to provide our children with the best opportunities to develop essential life skills, instill strong values, and build the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life. One powerful avenue for nurturing these qualities in young people is through the martial art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). At Marcus Soares Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, our […]

BJJ Training for Kids: How It Makes Them Confident, Disciplined, and Fit

Kids BJJ Learning

Introducing children to martial arts from a young age has long been considered a valuable means of promoting physical fitness, mental health, and character development. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), in particular, offers many benefits for young practitioners beyond its practical self-defence applications.  At Marcus Soares Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, we are dedicated to fostering the development and growth […]

The Secret to Athletic Success: BJJ Cross-Training Programs at Marcus Soares Academy

jiu jitsu

For athletes seeking to improve their performance in their chosen sport, incorporating Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) cross-training can prove to be a game-changer. Marcus Soares Academy’s BJJ Cross-Training Programs offer athletes a unique and comprehensive approach to enhance their strength, flexibility, focus, and mental resilience. In this article, we explore the benefits of BJJ cross-training for […]

5 Reasons Why BJJ is a Workout Fitness Enthusiasts Recommend


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that has gained popularity in the fitness world recently. It is a grappling-based martial art emphasizing technique and leverage over brute strength. Unlike other martial arts that may rely on striking or kicking, BJJ focuses on taking an opponent to the ground and using joint locks and chokeholds […]

Discover Jiu-Jitsu: The Ultimate Stress Relief for Adults

jiu-jitsu for adults

Jiu-Jitsu, a martial art that focuses on ground fighting and submission holds, has gained immense popularity among adults worldwide. Not only does it offer incredible physical benefits, but it also serves as the ultimate stress buster. The art of Jiu-Jitsu teaches self-defence, discipline, and resilience, making it an ideal activity for adults who want to […]

Improve Your BJJ Takedowns: 5 Simple Steps for Newbies

Jiu Jitsu

Martial arts is an ever-evolving world; Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is no exception. BJJ focuses heavily on ground fighting and submission techniques as a grappling-based martial art. However, to effectively transition from standing to ground fighting, you need to master the art of takedowns. For BJJ newbies, learning takedowns can seem like a challenging task. Yet, […]

Master BJJ: 3 Positions to Dominate Your Opponent

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, commonly known as BJJ, is a martial art focusing on grappling and ground fighting. It involves using leverage and technique to control and submit an opponent. Unlike other combat sports, BJJ does not rely on brute strength, making it an excellent self-defense system for individuals of all ages and sizes. Here are the […]

Maximizing Your Potential: How to Get Better at BJJ Faster


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that has gained popularity worldwide, including in Canada. BJJ practitioners aim to improve their skills and techniques to become more efficient and effective in grappling and ground fighting.  If you are a BJJ enthusiast looking to improve your skills in a shorter time frame, here are some tips […]