6 Values Children Can Learn from Taking up Martial Arts

Many people take up martial arts for different reasons. Some see it as a way to protect themselves, while others see it as a way to stay fit and healthy. Regardless of the reason, martial arts is an activity enjoyed by anyone who participates. Of course, no exception to this is children.

Children are often attracted to martial arts because of their flashy and exciting nature, especially when they see all those cool moves on TV or in the movies. Martial arts allow children to develop physical strength and agility and improve themselves, which can help build self-esteem and confidence. Despite this, many parents protest enrolling their children in martial arts classes because they think it is too violent or dangerous, which is never the case.

When you enroll your child in martial arts, they can learn the following values:

#1 – Discipline

Martial arts are all about discipline. By following a strict set of rules and regulations, children can learn to be more disciplined and have better control over their actions. This is especially important for children as it helps them understand the importance of following rules and not taking shortcuts.

For example, in martial arts, children must practice regularly and adhere to the rules of the martial art they are studying. This teaches them to be disciplined, stay focused, and work hard to reach their goals.

#2 – Defense

The primary purpose of martial arts is to teach students how to defend themselves in a physical altercation. Children can learn how to protect themselves and those around them by learning the techniques and strategies of martial arts. Additionally, martial arts can help children develop a heightened awareness of their surroundings, allowing them to notice potential threats and defend themselves proactively.

Additionally, martial arts is not just about self-defence but also about defending those who cannot protect themselves. Martial arts teaches children to stand up for what is right and advocate for vulnerable people who cannot defend themselves.

#3 – Inner Peace

A fundamental aspect of martial arts is cultivating inner peace and harmony. Martial arts teaches students to be in tune with their inner selves and mindful of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Through regular practice and meditation, martial arts can help students find balance and harmony.

Additionally, martial arts teaches students to be aware of their environment and calm and collected in any situation. By learning to stay focused and find inner peace, martial arts can help students develop a sense of inner strength and self-confidence, which can be invaluable in other areas.

#4 – Determination

Determination is a critical element of martial arts. It requires dedication and hard work to master the techniques and forms. Martial arts need persistence and fortitude to keep pushing through the challenges and reach the next level. Practitioners must be willing to put in the time and effort to see progress and achieve their goals.

Determination is also a crucial part of martial arts philosophy. Martial arts teaches students that they can achieve anything they set their minds to as long as they are willing to work hard and stay focused on their goals.

#5 – Patience

Martial arts is a journey, not a destination. Learning martial arts techniques, forms, and philosophies can take years of practice and dedication. As such, one must remain patient and understand that progress takes time. This patience is crucial for children who take up martial arts, as they must learn to work on their techniques slowly and methodically. This also extends to competitions because a fighter must stay calm and composed under pressure.

#6 – Respect

Children are taught respect in martial arts. Respect for oneself, respect for others, and the art itself are all fundamental aspects of martial arts training because everyone is expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy. This respect extends beyond the dojo to everyday life, helping children learn how to interact with others respectfully. In addition, respect for the teacher and senior students is paramount, as they are the ones who can help the student learn and improve.


Getting children to know martial arts is an effective way to teach them lessons that will go a long way in their lives. There are many martial arts disciplines to choose from, so it is only a matter of what interests them the most. They will benefit from martial arts training if they learn the fundamental skills and values.

If you are looking for classes for kids’ Jiu-Jitsu in Vancouver, Marcus Soares Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can help you! Jiu-Jitsu is an intricate martial art, so our professional Jiu-Jitsu instructors will help your child learn the skills and principles of the sport.